In personal development workshops, I ask participants how many of them have ever set private goals… and virtually every hand goes up. I also ask how many of them have ever set public goals… and usually many of the same hands are raised. The next question is simple: Which type of goal usually leads to actual achievement of desired Results? Think about your own experience here, when you’ve set private vs. public goals. Which ones work better for you? For most of us, it’s public goals – goals in which we enroll someone else in what we’re up to – that more often leads to the Results we say we want. Why is this so? I believe it’s connected to identity, accountability and relationship. Our identity is at stake when we declare publicly what we’re seeking to be, do or have. We harness the power of accountability when we declare to another what we are committed to start, stop or continue. And we strengthen our “network of help” when we actually use it! We strengthen our most important relationships through mutual support as we share and seek to make important changes in our lives. We create out of what we speak. The invitation is to enter into conversations in which you share your goals and enroll others for support in designing your life.